Federico Albanese

New Album "Blackbirds and the Sun of October" out on February 7, 2025

New tour dates announced now

Federico Albanese is a genre-defying Italian musician, composer, multi-instrumentalist, and producer.

His musical versatility is a natural gift that pushes him to explore music in all its facets. Albanese's cinematic instrumental tracks, blending contemporary classical, pop, and electronic ambience, struck an instant chord for their airy, meditative beauty.

Federico's new album entitled "Blackbirds and the Sun of October" is coming on February 7, 2025, and it will be released by Sony's new innovative, cross-genres label imprint XXIM.

The Prince and the Emperor

Blackbirds and the Sun of October - Album Trailer

Blackbirds and the Sun of October - Video

A Story Yet to Be Told

First Single from forthcoming Album "Blackbirds and thr Sun of October", out on February 7, 2025.

Days Of Passage Trailer/Interview

Feel Again feat. Ghostpoet

Third Single from "Before and Now Seems Infinite". Directed by Marco Jeannin. Performance by Giulia Russo

Summerside feat. Marika Hackman

Second single from forthcoming album "Before and Now Seems Infinite" out on Feb. 25, 2022

Before and Now Seems Infinite Trailer - The Quiet Man

From forthcoming album "Before And Now Seems Infinite" out on February 25, 2022 via Mercury KX


16m film scanned and developed at FocusFilm, Sweden.


Silenzio is part of the forthcoming EP Fredenwalde – Teil I.

Shadow Land Part II


By The Deep Sea "The Story Behind"


Ralf Diemert - ralf@vdhaardt.com


Ercole Gentile - ercole@vdhaardt.com

Film, Tv, Scoring Inquiries

Evolution Music Partners - brent@empagency.com

Press Inquiries

Erceole Gentile - ercole@vdhaardt.com

Sync, Licensing Inquiries

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Production Inquiries

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